TTW Affiliate Program

Grow with us.

TradeFinder Affiliate


Get 20% commission monthly on every TTW-TradeFinder subscriber

Affiliate Discount


Your affiliates get 10% off for their first 3 months of TTW-Tradefinder

Are you a perfect Match?

The affiliate program is open for everyone. Whether corporate or private individual. Contact us if you fullfill any of these qualities:

Trading Experience

As experienced trader you will see the benefits TTW-TradeFinder brings for daily trading. We are convinced to provide the best possible trading experience to you and your affiliates.

Trading Network

You are already connected? Great! Convince your trading network of the quality TTW-TradeFinder adds to their trading performance.

Online presence

Whether Blog or Website – our Affiliate system is easy to implement. Be a part of it.

Why you should join as Affiliate?

Additional income

With every new customer you earn an additional and steady income.

Growing potential

We are growing steadily – be a part of it and benefit from our growth.

Honest and objective trading software

We strive to provide the best possible trading experience and do that with honest intentions. We are trading what we are selling.

Trading Experience

Gain additional trading experience by joining the TTW network.

Innovation in development

We are listening to our users and implement our latest trading insights for an innovative eco-system.

Support and Learning

We provide support to all affiliates. For constant monetary and personal growth.